
Maximizing Production Across Our Portfolio

At Vaalco Energy, we’re proud to own a diverse portfolio of production, development, and exploration assets spanning Côte d'Ivoire Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Canada. Our recent acquisition of the Svenska oil field in Côte d'Ivoire demonstrates our commitment to growth.

A Diverse and Complementary Portfolio

World Map showing 5 locations: Canada, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea


In Harmattan, Canada, we hold production and working interests in Cardium light oil and Mannville liquids-rich gas assets. This property extracts oil and associated natural gas from zones within the Lower Mannville and Rock Creek formations.

View Our Canada Operations

Côte d'Ivoire

We diversified our portfolio by entering Côte d'Ivoire in 2024. We acquired a 27.4% non-operated working interest in Block CI-40, offshore Côte d’Ivoire, containing the deepwater producing Baobab field and the significant Kossipo discovery. In 2025, we expanded our footprint with a farm-in to CI-705 block, where we will be operator and have a 70% working interest.

View Our Côte d'Ivoire Operations


In Egypt, we have interests in two distinct regions: the Eastern Desert and Western Desert. The Eastern Desert merged concession spans approximately 45,067 acres, while the South Ghazalat concession in the Western Desert covers approximately 7,340 acres.

View Our Egypt Operations


Vaalco holds a 58.8% working interest in and operates the Etame Marin block, located offshore Gabon.

View Our Gabon Operations

Equatorial Guinea

Vaalco holds a 60% working interest in and is the operator of Block P, located offshore Equatorial Guinea. Block P contains the Venus field development opportunity, along with further material contingent and prospective resource.

View Our Equatorial Guinea Operations

Our Contractors, Suppliers and Vendors

We are committed to fostering strong partnerships with contractors, suppliers and vendors who share our dedication to excellence and innovation.

View Our Contractors, Suppliers and Vendors