Côte d'Ivoire Operations

About Côte d'Ivoire Operations

On April 30, 2024, after receiving regulatory and government approvals, Vaalco completed the acquisition of Svenska. Through the acquisition Vaalco acquired a 27.4% non-operated working interest in Block CI-40, offshore Côte d’Ivoire, containing the deepwater producing Baobab field and the significant Kossipo discovery. On March 3, 2025, VAALCO farmed-in to CI-705 block, as operator with a 70% working interest.

Operational Highlight

Cote d’Ivoire strategically expands the West African focus area with a sizable producing asset that has significant upside potential and future development opportunities in Cote d’Ivoire, a well-established and investment-friendly country.

Where We Operate

Map of Côte d'Ivoire operations that highlights various developments including Vaalco’s operated CI-705 Block and the non-operated CI-40 Block. Map call out box focuses in on the CI-40 Block including the FPSO, Baobab and Kossipo while showing surrounding gas fields, pipelines, injection line, wells, manifold’s, and platforms.

Details of Our Operations

Off-Shore Location


Non-Operated Working Interest in the Deepwater Producing




Reserves and Resources**




MMBOE 2P Working Interest***


MMBOE Contingent Resource 2C***

2023 Full Year Actuals

Year-end 2023

Such amounts may differ from the SEC definitions. Please read disclaimer tab on this site.
BOEPD (WI) - Barrels Of Oil Equivalent Per Day produced by a company's Working Interest
MMBOE - Million Barrels Of Oil Equivalent

Looking Forward to Advancing Operations

Baobab CI-40 Field

Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit maintenance and upgrades, starting in 2025, will enable future drilling and development, with operations expected to resume in 2026 followed by the drilling campaign. Significant development drilling is anticipated to begin in 2026, with substantial production increases from the main Baobab field in CI-40, along with potential future development of the Kossipo field also on the license.

CI-705 Block

VAALCO will operate the block with a 70% working interest and a 100% paying interest as we carry our partners at commercial terms through the seismic reprocessing and interpretation stages and potentially drilling up to two exploration wells. Our initial assessment is that there are both oil and natural gas prospects on the block and we plan to conduct a detailed, integrated geological analysis to assess and mature our understanding of the block’s overall prospectivity.

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